Steve served as an ATM for Carrie and me at different points in the trip. First, because Carrie didn’t have a money belt* for the beginning of the trip, and second, because my withdrawal limit was too low for the spending I had to do when we arrived in Rome. Our hotel offered a 10% discount for paying cash up-front. To that point, we had paid when we checked out of hotels, but the place we stayed in Rome wanted our $ asap. So… when Carrie needed cash, she hit up Uncle Steve, who was carrying her bills for her. When I needed cash, say, for dinner, I hit up ol’ Uncle Steve at the end of the meal.
*A note about money belts: they STINK after wearing them under your pants for two weeks, so don’t be afraid to buy several or throw them in the laundry as often as possible. If you want to torture someone, gag them with your money belt after you’ve worn it for a few weeks. That will keep them in line. Ball gags also work, but those are obviously for weirdoes.
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